Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Still Plugging Away

We are still gathering paperwork. By the end of the week, we should have all of our reference letters. We had a little scare in that we thought the reference letters that were already completed and turned in had to be on special paper. Different paper than what they were typed on. Turned out this special paper, termed "bond" paper on the reference letter instructions, is actually just regular printer paper. We looked all over thinking it was resume paper and felt bad that our friends and family might have to buy this special paper. Oh well, all is well that ends well.

Not much else going on but thought I would send out an update.

1 comment:

j.b said...

yeah, seriously. what the hell is bond paper? of course, NOW we find out it's merely printer paper, but why the hell call it BOND paper like it's something special. i suppose it's to ensure that folks not write reference letters on cocktail napkins, on the margins of dirty newsprint, on the back of Walmart receipts, on 3x5 index cards (i can go on and on)...

anyway, we figured it out and now we're ready for the first home study on the 10th (and by ready i mean absolutely unprepared, but you know...)