Thursday, August 6, 2009

still with the waiting

So what is it exactly that we are waiting for? Why haven't the pictures of this beautiful baby been posted on this blog?

Well, we're waiting for official release papers from the police in Addis Ababa. This release will allow us to officially accept baby Chloe in Family Court in Ethiopia and begin the process to adopt her; however, we still not received this release. It's been since the first week of May, when baby Chloe was 1 month old, and still nothing. To say we are perturbed is mild. But, there's really little we can do but keep calling our adoption agency, and hope they keep calling their liaison, whereupon she will put the screws to her people, etc.

On a positive note, our soon-to-be daughter has three cribmates, the parents of whom we've recently been in contact with. These three families seem very kind and are interested in keeping in contact throughout our children's lives. So, I suppose some kind of cribmate reunion (or several) will be in our future. I think this is a great idea and will help all four cribmates keep in touch with a part of their pasts.

Hopefully, pictures soon. Once we get those papers, she's as good as ours and the pictures will be posted. We can't wait to show her to you!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Mamma of one of the cribmates, here. Thanks so much for inviting hubby and me to your blog. Hubby isn't much of a blogger or blog reader, and English is his 2nd or 3rd language, so it'll probably be mostly me checking in. SO happy to be in touch. Helina was born on March 14th, at least that's what I estimate from her monthly update reports which always say 3 months 10 days, etc. So I guess our babies are about a month apart in age? Helina just turned 5 months old.