Monday, August 10, 2009


We, as almost-parents, are expected to send formula over to our near-daughter. We're happy to do it, of course, but the only way we can actually manage it is to ask someone traveling to Ethiopia to pick up their child(ren) to bring some formula with them, from us, for our quasi-kid.

Julee was given a list of emails of folks traveling over later this month, and the first person she emailed just so happens to live 20 minutes away. Small world. Turns out at least two other couples from Utah are going through the same adoption agency.

We've asked this couple to also take some pictures of our psuedo-baby if they would be so kind. They said they would be happy to. :)

Though we've not looked at the pictures much lately (you know, trying to not get too attached to her just yet in case something unmentionable should happen and we weren't able know...), we still like seeing new pictures of her. Soon, hopefully soon, we'll get this blasted police clearance and we'll be able to officially accept her in court...then, we will post these lovely pictures of our beautiful soon-girl.

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