Wednesday, August 5, 2009

dead arms

We got our immunizations today for our travel to Ethiopia. We won't be traveling for months yet (likely November or December) but these need to be obtained ahead of time. So, we're both sitting here with dead arms, especially the right one. We can't lift our right arm above the shoulder, and typing this is harder than I thought it would be.

When we were at the doctor's office getting the shots, and finding out about the risks of each vaccination (especially Yellow Fever, which can cause Yellow Fever in a very small percentage of those who get the vaccination...which means, death, of course), we invariably had to update our doctor on the status of the adoption, going over all the information we have (the investigation, the ban, the lifting of the ban, the waiting on the police release (to come in another post soon), the waiting, the waiting, even more waiting yet). Driving back to work, I thought more about the future and having Chloe and what it will be like (or what I hope it will be like), and the strangest pang above my stomach and below my lungs came to me. It's an eagerness; a yearning; a pining, even. We both want her here so bad; to hold her and have her fall asleep in our arms; to listen to her sleeping (we have been told she's a snorer); to get the rest of our lives as a family started.

But, now, instead, we have the pain of the vaccinations (5 in total for each of us: Hep A and B, Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, and god, Polio!!!). We take this pain knowing each throb is necessary, and brings us one step closer to having this thing come to an end.


Unknown said...

Dead arms are creepy. AND IRRESISTABLE!! You should try to hug each other, using only the dead arms, and what will happen is you'll whack each other with the noodley meat that was once a functioning arm, and it will be like you're zombies!

Because I have a tendency to fall down a lot and just, you know, general clumsiness, my brother told me once that the body feeling pain is a good thing, because even though you're hurt, your body is still feeling SOMETHING. That means you're not altogether done for. When you gotta watch out, is when you can't feel anything-- when everyone else around you is grimacing and telling you to hang in there, you're going to be all right... if you can't feel anything you're probably a quadriplegic or checking out for good.

Which I guess applies for emotional feelings, as well, now that I think about it.

The point of all this is, if you're not going to zombie-ize your dead arms, then it's good that you're hurting. Because you're feeling.

This makes sense in my head.

j.b said...

at least it makes sense in YOUR head. :)

it makes sense.

our arms have gotten better. last night was pretty bad, like a really bad charlie horse. today we were even able to go to the gym...

H. said...

I think what G was trying to say is "better dead arms than dead everything."

Noodley meat is fantastic, by the way. It's what's for dinner...

H. said...

Also--all this talk about shots made me thirsty.

& snorers rule!