Thursday, August 13, 2009

July Update

It's August, already, moron.

I know, I know; but we never received the July update from our agency. We got it today, finally, and as of July 24, our beautiful, little Chloe was 3 months and 22 days old; she was 57cm long (approx. 22 inches) and 6kg (just over 13 pounds). Her head circumference was 35cm, too, (approx. 14 inches) though I have no idea if this is normal or not. She appears to be normal.

One thing I find worth mentioning is that I was nearly the same size she is now when I was born. Granted, I was a humongous baby.

On the update, we read that she sleeps through the night without waking up unless she wants a bottle or has "diaper discomfort". :) She also naps after every meal, so she's already starting to resemble her future father!

"She drinks milk whenever she wants to drink" was written under EATING HABITS, but I'm not sure what this means, really. I take it as being good. Nothing has changed medically, and she's not on any medications. Both good.

All social, movement, vision and hearing milestones she should've had were met. Of course, this is both good and bad news for us. Good, in that she appears to be healthy and is growing as she should; bad, in that we have missed yet more milestones.

I suppose as long as we don't receive an update that says she's learning how to drive, or has taken the SAT, right?


Unknown said...

"She drinks milk whenever she wants to drink", GOSH!

We're excited to hear about the latest updates. And, it's especially terrific to hear that she's sleeping through the night. You'll be glad about that later... there's a reason why the KGB used to use sleep deprivation as a torture method, you know.

j.b said...

yeah, we're happy to hear of the sleeping part. hopefully, we can continue that.

the milk part was a little strange, like some kind of cipher or code that we need to work out. how do they know she wants to drink? how do they know she wants milk after they figure out that she's thirsty? it's all very enigmatic.

Jenny said...

Wee, CRAP! Our updates say the EXACT SAME THING! Except the measurements. By the way, don't trust the measurements. They measured Helina's head circumference the same 3 months in a row and I was only freaking out a little because as a nurse I knew if she really did have microcephaly to that degree she also wouldn't be up to date with her developmental skills like they said she is. I measured Helina myself when we visited and she is fine. If you want, I can measure Rodas/Chloe for you when we go next month. They have a scale there and I'll be sure she's unbundled and in a dry diaper. That makes a big difference ;)

Oh yeah, about the feedings, they mean she is fed on demand. They are really good about feeding th babies as soon as they start to lick their chops or fuss. Living in an orphanage has its major disadvantages, but those kids are loved and well taken care of.

Jenny said...

Meant to say, Well, CRAP. But for some reason it came out wee crap. HeeHee.

j.b said...

wee crap. i thought you meant that Chloe had little poos, which is pretty good, i think. :)

yes, if you would be so kind as to measure the particulars of her, that would be FABULOUS!

thanks for the clarifications. i find it humorous that the measurements for Helina's head were the same for 3 months.

soon, soon.