Friday, June 26, 2009

Sorry its been so long

We've been waiting on the outcome of an investigation regarding abandonment cases in Ethiopia which begain 04 May. The investigation is complete but the results have not been released yet. We will not know for sure for another couple of weeks. The investigation was spurred by an increase in abandonment cases in Ethiopia. The government wanted to be sure that all papework and procedures regarding these cases were being handled appropriately. This investigation was affecting adoptions in America and Europe. The courts are not hearing any adoption cases until the investigation is complete. Needless to say, this has created a huge backlog. We still aren't sure how this will affect our travel time. In addition, we haven't been able to officially accept our match yet but hopefully soon. For awhile, we weren't sure if the little girl we were matched with would in fact stay our match. Until we hear the results of the investigation, we still will not know for sure, but its looking more and more like she will stay with us. Rumors from other blogs state that the investigation found that all cases were handled correctly and no issues or problems were found, but like I said, we will not hear the results until maybe the end of next week.

Our contact from the adoption agency in Atlanta is traveling to Ethiopia next week. We have sent some gifts to her in hopes that she can bring them to our little girl. We also hope that she is able to get pictures of our little girl with her new toys.

This last month and a half have been difficult. But we hope to hear some good news soon. See below for pictures of the toys sent to Chloe.


Father Luke said...

Lucky to have such caring parents.

Waiting, like you are. . .
but only on the sidelines.

You two are the real deal.

- -
Father Luke

j.b said...

thanks, faddah!
it's been trying. still is. just when things look to be improving, they kick us in the teeth and tell us to stay down until they say we can get up, and that might just be never...if we're lucky!

thanks, man. it'll happen, and when it does, we're gonna parent the crap out of this baby girl!!! :)