Monday, May 18, 2009

Its a match!

Hello Everyone:

We actually got a match last week and she is adorable. There are still some particulars to sort through so I will not post her pictures just yet. There is a little bit of red tape we are currently having to negotiate through before our family is finalized.

She is adorable though and we can't wait for everyone to see how beautiful she is. We probably will not travel to pick her up until later this fall. In celebration of her referral to us, we registered at Babies R Us. Hopefully she likes the stuff we picked out.

Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.

Love, Us


j.b said...

i fall more and more in love with her each moment. every time i look at her pictures the reality that she will soon be our daughter sinks in a little deeper.

she's adorable, folks. i don't mean that as a biased, effusive father. it's just the simple truth.

and we really couldn't be happier. things have progressed faster than we ever expected. save this minor hiccough we are currently experiencing (which we will talk about soon, i'm sure) things have gone smoothly.

it appears october is the time. smack dab in the middle of football season. but, it'll be worth it.

thank you to everyone who has offered their support, advice, help, and well-wishes.

Unknown said...

And you know what else is so fantastic!?! Was she was born sometime during the Awesome Weekend of Awesomeness? DOES IT NOT BLOW YOUR MINDS that, while we were all sitting around talking about her, she MIGHT HAVE BEEN BEING BORN?!!? This post is an assault on all that is right with the grammatical world, and it doesn't make any sense, and I'm using too many capital letters BUT IT MERITS THE EXCITEMENT!!!!! Awesome Weekend of Awesomeness 09 was the greatest weekend ever. The best one since... October 09 when you go get her.
Love you all!! G&H

j.b said...


i know, right? it's so crazy to think that she's over there and doesn't even know what's coming yet. like, she's totally oblivious to the fact that in 6 LONG months, we'll be her new parents. it blows my mind just thinking about it.

and each time we look at the pictures she becomes more and more CHLOE and less and less who she is now...

hlw said...

Just catching up...this is fantastic news! I'm sure she's beautiful. Who needs Christmas when you get a baby in October!!? YAY!!

j.b said...


There are a few barriers to hurdle yet, but if all goes well (fingers crossed) there's a very good chance there'll be a new member of the club to watch our games later this fall!!!