Sunday, January 18, 2009

Home study and parent manual

Yes, we've finished the parenting manual. We now have a reference for when our child suffers from things such as pollution residuals, ADHD, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and speech disorders. If these things come our way, we have an idea of who to consult. It was rough but we got through it. Hopefully, if our child does have one of these issues, we will make it through that as well.

Yesterday, we had our last Home Study visit. It went very well and the lady assigned to us was very nice. She said she should have our evaluation written up by the end of February. We also want to finish gathering our Dossier documents so Wasatch International can give that a preliminary review. Things are going fast right now, but I know they will slow down soon and then we'll play the waiting game.

Will blog again soon,
J and J


Father Luke said...

Yesterday, we had our last Home
Study visit. It went very well . . .

Congratulations, you two.

You rock.

- -
Father Luke

j.b said...

thanks, Padre. it's a stressful time, having a social worker enter your house, study you, ask personal questions.
but, it'll all be worth it in the end.

hlw said...

Did you learn any good tips for dealing with obnoxious seven-year-olds?

Great news from you guys!

j.b said...

hmmm. it says here, on page 134, that obnoxious seven-year-olds, especially males, should be whipped with a switch lest they turn into obnoxious adults.

that can't be right...

oh, wait...a caveat. it also says that in lieu of that, they can be given lots of candy and allowed to play video games for hours.

hope that helps! :)