Friday, January 22, 2010

Some Clarification

We finally found out why we didn't pass court back on the 18th.
And it just further proves the point that these adoptions are fickle (and that being a Barrett is often unfortunate).

It turns out that the family courts in Ethiopia have changed their rules--as courts are wont to do--but neglected to inform anyone of this change. This change required that a certain, specific document that the orphanages keep on premises be presented during their hearing. Since this document was never needed before (including just the week prior) our orphanage didn't bring the document--why would they? Our proxy pleaded for us to be allowed to pass since it would've been fine just last week. The judge said no (compassion and law rarely mix). Ergo, February 2nd.

But, the good news is this paper is all that is needed. Everything else was in order. The mother showed up and gave her testimony (which we worried some about). We should be good to go come the 2nd--fingers crossed.

Of course this happened to us. Nothing tragic, just more annoyance.

We've also heard a rumor that the courts are contemplating requiring the parents to be present during the court date, which would mean two trips for adopting parents, or one very long extended trip. We've dodged this bullet, at least.

Still no December update. We aren't receiving one, I suppose. If we do, we'll post the pictures.


Unknown said...

The trite, horseshitty cliche "nothing worthwhile comes easily" seems in order here... though I don't necessarily agree with that, because once I won $1000 from Captain Crunch cereal and that was sure as hell worthwhile. Also, I hate cliches.

BUT, I love Barretts. And I love Chloes. But not William Barrett, who I'm currently about to send to the slammer for drunk driving, and not Chloe Sevigny because she bugs me, would it kill you to smile already?!!

Someone is enjoying a post-work glass of vino.

This is actually good news though, right, because the thing was missing is not Some Mysterious Paper That May Or May Not Be Obtainable... the thing is a regular ordinary paper that they already have and is already done and can be zipped right over to court.

So here's what I have to say to you two: enjoy your last week of being self-indulgent, narcissistic, pleasure-seeking adults.

Also, I love you!

From an admirer
Not Darryl

j.b said...

You're right. It is good news. It is merely a simple piece of paper that they have. But, that just makes it all the worse. I mean, seriously...2 weeks for that? argh!

And we are trying to enjoy our final weeks as egotistical megalomaniacs, it'll be fun.