Saturday, March 7, 2009

Getting exciting!

It seems as though all of our paperwork, so far, looks good. It now has to go to D.C. We will see what they think of our paperwork. If they like it, they send it to Ethiopia, hopefully they'll like it too. Apparently, they put us on a referral list when we sent in our application back in November. This way, once our paperwork is in and finalized they can immediately begin working on a match. Our contact at the adoption agency thinks that once Ethiopia receives our paperwork, this could possibly happen in 60 days. We'll see, there still could be hiccups along the way but if all went smoothly, we could be traveling to Africa at the end of the summer.

Today, we bought a pack n' play. We were pretty excited about it and it will match the stroller we want to get. The stroller was out of stock so we need to check back in a week or so. Justin particularly likes the stroller because the push handle can adjust upward for, what he refers to as, "normal sized people". In other words, people his height, not all of us shorties out there.

That's all for now.



j.b said...

what's up with everything being built for abnormally tiny folks? jesus. us normal-sized people need some love, too.
strollers are ridiculous, like they're built for people 6-foot tall and shorter. what the hell?
anyway, it's hard to believe we'll be on a plane to pick up our daughter sometime later this year (likely)...i'd be lying if i said i wasn't nervous.

Unknown said...

I think that once things start "happening" they're going to go fast! H & I are very encouraged to hear about the latest... seems like now it's just a matter of time and that the "hard part" is over. Of course, unless you're Tom Petty, in which case the waiting is the hardest part. Well. Anyway. We're thinking of you. XOXOXXX